It’s difficult to juggle a career with a busy lifestyle and sometimes there is just not enough hours in a day to do everything we want to accomplish. That’s why I always look for easy ways to prepare a healthy dinner. Last week I found these two recipes that I combined together to make one delicious meal. The 1st one is a spinach/kale salad, inspired by the cafeteria at my work. My salads are usually plain & boring and I get tired of them easily. This salad however is different and it tastes really good. It’s also very simple to make, just add the following ingredients and shake well (yields 2 portions)

  • Mixed baby spinach & baby kale (quantity depends on your liking)
  • 1 avocado
  • 10 cherry tomatoes
  • Feta cheese or crumbled goat cheese (60g)
  • 20 black olives
  • 6 strawberries
  • 4 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar
  • 1/2 cup sliced almonds

The 2nd recipe I wanted to share with you ladies is a favorite of mine: Pretzel Chicken. I have found a recipe on Pinterest & modified it a little bit to my liking. Here is the link to the original recipe:


And this is what I used (yields 2 portions):

  • 4 chicken breast scaloppini (I like this better than the chicken breast b/c it’s thin & juicy instead of thick & dry)
  • 1 cup of crushed pretzels – any pretzels will do, I used salty ones ( I literally used a Ziploc bag & a hammer to crush them, no joke lol)
  • 1/2 cup of flour (I used organic flour)
  • Salt & pepper
  • Dijon honey sauce: 1/4 cup olive oil, 1/4 cup Dijon mustard, 50ml of water, 1 teaspoon of honey, salt & pepper
  • I followed the recipe by dipping the scaloppini in the flower 1st, then in the Dijon honey sauce and finally in the crushed pretzels. I have baked the scaloppini in the oven at 400° F for 30 minutes. Delicious!

Together this made an amazing meal. Just add a piece of hot apple crumble with vanilla ice cream for dessert & you’re done ;)

Bon appetite ladies!