Women have a misconception about what cellulite really is and that is the reason why we are not able to get rid of it! Before I researched it, I was in that same boat – thinking that cellulite was associated with fat, but it’s far from the truth. Even very skinny women can have cellulite. I decided to share this news with you ladies to save you from spending money on products & treatments that simply don’t work! I won’t bore you with the details and just get down to what you really need to know:

1- What is cellulite?

Small fat deposits in between parts of the skin that are pulled to the muscle, which give it a lumpy appearance. Now, don’t get fooled, it still does not have anything to do with fat! Those fat deposits only occur b/c the muscle is not supporting the skin properly in some parts; it has to do with the structure of tissue fibres, that’s all. If you need further convincing, read this article:


Now, at the end of that article they propose a treatment, but I have a better, easier and cheaper alternative:

2- How to get rid of it?

Exercise & strengthen those muscles! Certain muscles of our body just simply don’t get any exercise & those need to be addressed. Here are some exercises that you can do to help reduce cellulite:


I hope this quick fact sheet was helpful to you ladies! Now, let’s get rid of that cellulite for good!

Happy Friday!