Shopbop is having their 1st BIG SALE of the year starting tomorrow (Feb 25th) for 5 days, but you get to pre-shop the sale starting TODAY with code GOBIG19:

Featured in this post are items I shopped today! I’ve always wanted a Chanel brooch & Shopbop has great vintage pieces, so I was able to snag this beauty up at 25% off! It will match with coats, blazers, dresses, sweaters – endless possibilities. Also, one of the biggest trends this year is the transparent handbag & I love this one from STAUD so I kind had to buy it and then, well, I needed to complete the outfit right? A stunning blazer with coral details (the Pantene color of the year), a lace top & Converse sneakers! What will you be buying? Happy Shopping!
4- Endless Rose lace and mesh top