If you know me, this will come as no surprise: I love making lists. Grocery lists, to-do lists, not-to-forget lists (I’m a total gold fish, if I don’t write it down, it’s already forgotten), blog post lists, outfit lists….shall I continue? I won’t bore you with the list of lists, but you get the gist! So naturally, I started my : “Make 2019 Your Best Year” list and I thought I would share this particular list b/c in order to make something happen, you simply need to plan in advance!
I mean have you ever hosted a party without planning? Even that simple wine and cheese with the girls: you invited your guests, came up with a list of cheeses & wine bottles (and maybe that delicious dessert you’ve been eyeing in the window of the bake shop near home..) made you went to the grocery store, maybe planned something cute to surprise your friends with – bottom line: you planned ahead & the gathering was a success. Well, your life is not different and if you want 2019 to blow your socks off, you need to start planning now. I know it’s just the beginning of December and you’re probably only getting on your Holiday shopping list, but trust me – take a few minutes to yourself and reflect on what you want the New Year to bring. The earlier you start the process, the more successful it will be. Let’s get started!
Step 1: Accept that 2018 is done!
So you didn’t get that dream job, or maybe you didn’t meet Mr. Right, or you were too scared to dive into entrepreneurship – whatever it was, let it go! Stop putting so much pressure on yourself, you are not a failure. It was just not the right time, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still want those things in the New Year! Which brings me to step 2…
Step 2: You guessed it; Make a list!
Ask yourself what made you over the moon happy in 2018 that you would love to do more of in 2019? In the spirit of Christmas, let’s make that a list of 12 things that made you happy. This will give you some perspective and help you identify areas where you should spend more time! In parallel, make a list of 6 goals you would like to achieve in 2019, these could be anything from personal growth goals, career goals, relationship goals, better habits, etc!
Step 3: Understand that only you can make yourself happy!
Listen up girl, it’s about to get real: the only person in the entire world that can make you happy is YOU! Sure your partner, pet or kids contribute to your happiness, but ultimately you are the boss of your happiness. Stop standing in your own way, telling yourself your selfish for thinking of yourself and take care of #1 for once! It’s not just about treating yourself to a massage or manicure, it’s about drafting a list of things that make you happy & acting on them! Maybe what will make you happy is starting your own business, but you have no idea where to begin! Well, then your list should have the following in big bold letters: research & learn what you don’t know, develop the skills you are lacking & plan on all the strengths you already possess to power through! Maybe it’s simpler than that, maybe you just want more time to spend with family & friends – then stop working so much. Maybe it’s time to find a more flexible job? Maybe you just want to read more books, then carve out some time in your day to do just that – wake up earlier, read on your commute, get a book light and read right before you sleep without waking up your partner. Whatever it is, it’s in your hands and only you can make it happen for yourself. So start planning now. Get that pen and paper (if you’re old school like me) or grab a laptop/tablet/phone wtv and draft that list!
In 2019, you shall be living your best life!